Good things Happen
When People Connect
With Their Passion

Good Things Happen
When People Connect
With Their Passion

About sidely

sidely is a first-of-its-kind platform to increase workplace wellbeing, prevent job burnout, and boost engagement and retention.

It connects employees with their passions and unique skills by supporting them to build side projects from A-Z, alongside establishing a dedicated community within the company.

How do side projects work?

A side project is something an individual or group of people builds outside of their standard day job. It…

Did you know? In 2021, 40% of Americans had a side project (Zapier report, 2022)

Platform pillars

Ideas and side projects development platform, related to personal passions and skills.

An active and unique organization employee community.

A place where you can get recognized, celebrate achievements, and showcase a variety of skills.

The Platform

DIGITAL PLATFORM to come up with Ideas and side projects aligned with personal passions and skills.

ACTIVE COMMUNITY for each unique company, bringing employees and side projects together.

SHOWCASE WALL to recognize employees, celebrate achievements, and promote collaboration.

From Zero to One In Three Phases

Using an innovative methodology, the platform enables anyone to develop a fresh personal idea and then leads them through all stages of planning and launching the project.

Experiencing the
‘Eureka!’ moment

Leverage innovative methodologies to help users develop new ideas based on their passions and strengths.

Building infrastructure
and expert tools

Guide users through each stage of their entrepreneurial journey in an easy, accessible format and language.

Launching and creating a
feedback loop

Prototype and develop the MVP of a full range of support until the side project launches and is fully operational.


From zero to one In 3 phases

Using an innovative methodology, the platform enables anyone to develop a fresh personal idea and then leads them through all stages of planning and launching the project.

Main Values


Increase active engagement by giving your employees what they genuinely want: the opportunity to develop themselves and build something they care about and are proud to pursue.

Burnout prevention

People who focus on their passions are far less susceptible to stress and burnout. The excitement of starting something newly creates a contagious sense of flow at home and work.

Employee retention

Give your employees a reason to stay by allowing them to follow their passions while working for you. Supporting them to reach their goals instills a sense of gratitude in the workplace.


Everyone dreams of being seen. The Company Showcase Wall is designed to honor employees, celebrate successes, and connect with other colleagues throughout the company.

Company culture

Build a culture of innovation everyone loves being a part of, making it easy for employees to meet other people they may not usually come across and develop their own inner tribe.

Recent projects

Inbal Klien

Ride vision

Project: Women's surfing clothes line

“sidely has given me the confidence to think that my idea is possible and that I can make it happen, and i built something truly amazing”

Yeshurun Sieger


Project: Edible ice cream spoons

“Working with sidely's platform enabled me to dream and to take action toward achieving it”

Maya Froidental


Project: Online detective mysteries

“For anyone who wants to do something he loves and is not sure where to start - this is for you”

Shai Zer

Reservoir Dogs Security

Project: Security manager's professional network

“I was given the key to a door I thought was locked and a home for self-fulfillment.”

Recent projects

Inbal Klien

Ride vision

Project: Women's surfing clothes line

“sidely has given me the confidence to think that my idea is possible and that I can make it happen, and i built something truly amazing”

Yeshurun Sieger


Project: Edible ice cream spoons

“Working with sidely's platform enabled me to dream and to take action toward achieving it”

Maya Froidental


Project: Online detective mysteries

“For anyone who wants to do something he loves and is not sure where to start - this is for you”

Shai Zer

Reservoir Dogs

Project: Security manager's professional network

“I was given the key to a door I thought was locked and a home for self-fulfillment.”


sidely is a SaaS platform for companies to help employees develop a side project in parallel with their work. It provides a way to generate interest and creativity beyond their day-to-day role, introducing personal color to the workplace in a new way.


Each company defines its settings and preferences, such as:

  • What subjects and interests it does/does not allow employees to pursue
  • How much time it lets employees work on projects during business hours
  • Which departments the initiative is for (if not for all company employees)
  • Whether there is a scheduled time for everyone to work on their side project



Employees receive a unique profile username and password. They describe their strengths, areas of interest, and whether they would prefer to start something from scratch or join a current project.



Once their profile is ready, the employee can start discussing, helping with, and getting involved in side projects alongside colleagues.



The company and its employees share victories, celebrate successes, and give side project updates on the Company Showcase Wall – a virtual space visible to the entire company.


sidely offers a solution to various workplace issues, including:

  • Generating interest among potential job candidates
  • Retaining and boosting the morale of existing employees
  • Building trust between employees and the leadership team
  • Nominating active employees to become platform ambassadors
  • Establishing stronger cross-departmental ties and links
  • Handing out tools beyond those required by the company
  • Inspiring company-wide innovation by:
    • Equipping employees with an entrepreneurial mindset
    • Giving employees access to various in-house projects

sidely is open to collaborating with open-minded companies looking to…

  • Pioneer the new, side project world of work
  • Improve employee engagement and retention
  • Support creative, entrepreneurial employees
  • Help develop an internal ambassador program

All projects created via sidely are the result of – and under full ownership of – the employee(s) involved.

However, the company can decide on restrictions when it first signs up for the platform. That includes whether side projects must fall within the company’s core field, what topics or industries are off-limits, and if side project ideas are required to pass management approval.

It is entirely up to the company to decide, though we recommend 1.5-2 hours per week (during work hours) and as much of the employees’ free time as they wish.


Of course! sidely has a Facebook community for employees to ask questions, receive help, and support one another. We also host mastermind meetings to enrich employee learning and introduce them to a new, creative way to fuel their passion.

The best part of all: employees do not need any experience in entrepreneurship – only a willingness to develop the correct mindset for their side project to succeed.


There is no need for employees to have a side project in mind when signing up. All we ask is to sign up as they are, embarking on a journey to discover and build their idea step-by-step!




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